Attack and Defence
by Mark Dvoretsky & Artur Yusupov
Published by B T Batsford, March 1998
The fifth in the series of phenomenally successful training manuals by the
world's best chess trainer and his star pupil
In this eagerly awaited new work, Dvoretsky and Yusupov deal with the most
crucial aspects of chess:
Calculating Variations
Improving your Chess Intuition
Practical Decision Making
How to Attack, Defend and Counter-Attack
The Dvoretsky-Yusupov chess school has played a key part in the rise to chess
stardom of many of today's top young GMs; for example Peter Svidler, Vadim
Zviaginstev, Alexei Alexandrov and Sergei Movsesian all attended the school in
the early 1990s. Now the same insights and training methods are available to
all. Packed with brilliant chess and superb advice, Attack and Defence is
essential reading for any player eager to improve.
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